Looks sensational, right?
I know all nine of you (and the people that just look at my blog, but don't follow.... AHEM Journalism staff...) look forward to these kinds of posts: Matthew's Meals (Cooking show? This name would be simply splendid). Well I'm glad. These are the posts I look forward to the most as well, because it's different than, "Hey let me tell all of you about some music that I discovered that no one really cares about. I mean, I just like to think that you do..." Okay, so yes, I am sick of those as well. I'll try and remember to take it easy.
Matthew should come to the school and whip up a meal for the journalism students... I mean, he is a god.
New Years Eve Meal
Delicious homeade guacamole
(Left) goat cheese (Bottom) salami (Top) Gala apples (Right) Around 60% dark chocolate
Cheese plate (Gouda, triple cream brie, and I can't remember the last one)
Olives and artichoke dip (just behind and to the left)
(Not pictured: Two different kinds of fresh baguettes)
Anyway, amazing.