Monday, January 24, 2011

Dominant-Li food?

My asian friend, Dominant-Li, will be taking over for a while and he's thinking of making this a "Dominant-Li Food Blog." I think it sounds like a good idea.

So now I was getting to this... Kai's birthday was the other day and we had another great meal at the Christensen home. Just when I think Matthew has outdone himself, he outdoes himself once AGAIN. Oh Matthew, we just love you. It is too bad he will never read this...

Oh.. er... right! Dominantly Li will post some pictures of Kai's birthday meal in a few days. Brace yourselves.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Years Eve Meal

Looks sensational, right?

I know all nine of you (and the people that just look at my blog, but don't follow.... AHEM Journalism staff...) look forward to these kinds of posts: Matthew's Meals (Cooking show? This name would be simply splendid). Well I'm glad. These are the posts I look forward to the most as well, because it's different than, "Hey let me tell all of you about some music that I discovered that no one really cares about. I mean, I just like to think that you do..." Okay, so yes, I am sick of those as well. I'll try and remember to take it easy.

Matthew should come to the school and whip up a meal for the journalism students... I mean, he is a god.

New Years Eve Meal

Delicious homeade guacamole

(Left) goat cheese (Bottom) salami (Top) Gala apples (Right) Around 60% dark chocolate

Cheese plate (Gouda, triple cream brie, and I can't remember the last one)

Olives and artichoke dip (just behind and to the left)
(Not pictured: Two different kinds of fresh baguettes)

Anyway, amazing.