Can someone send me Jaeho's email address? I really wanna talk with him.
Thanks so much for all your emails these past weeks, everyone. It's nice to hear what's going on in everyone's life.
This past week was another amazing week for our zone. We've been finding new people like crazy and striving to follow our zone goal of contacting 1 person after every single appointment. It's been really good, we've had lots of contact with everyone in the street these past few weeks. We found a lady from Veracruz, Mexico, who has talked to the missionaries in Passaic before but was really skeptical about what we teach and how we are "just another church". So we broke it down for her, explained how the gospel was lost and restored and how the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is what she needs to be happier. After a little persuasion and long-suffering (D&C 121) she set up a return appointment with us for Thursday.
We had another awesome lesson with Edwin, our new 19-year-old Mexican investigator. We met at his house, and Hermano Bello actually was working, but it turned out to be such an incredible lesson. Elder Nielsen = spiritual giant. I have much to learn from him. We taught Edwin about the Restoration of the Gospel and explained Priesthood authority to him in the way that a child could understand (PMG). He loved it and told us that after the lesson he was questioning his Lutheran church. He said he felt "different" as if his "perceptive [had] changed". It was amazing. I love WATCHING the spirit change people and enlighten their minds, right before our eyes.
This week really wasn't that exciting. We had about 130 people at church yesterday (insane for a BRANCH) so that was cool. Also sometimes we get to help take the tithing to the bank with Gus (Colombian, 1st counselor, coolest, slightly balding guy on the block), so that was fun. Also, Presidente Lazaro, the elders quorum President, gave me a pair of ostrich and crocodile cowboy boots. They are super rad but a little wide for my jeans to be tucked into them. I'll send you a photo soon.
(family): COOOOOOL that Greg Moffat is the new bishop. Let him know how much I love him and Steve Harper and Dan Daley. Man that's gonna be a powerhouse bishopric. Good luck to them all. Who is the new Elders quorum President?
Love and blessings to all. The gospel is true and we have been redeemed!